Circular walk NaturWanderPark delux: Felsenweg 1 (L-Echternach)

Circular walk NaturWanderPark delux: Felsenweg 1 (L-Echternach)

The Felsenweg 1 rocky path takes visitors past strange rocky landscapes, meadows full of flowers and woods with the ground covered in ferns. The area is also home to particularly rare animals and plants, such as hawks and orchids. Many attractions along the route invite you to take a closer look. They include the Liborius chapel, from which there is a wonderful view onto Echternach and the surrounding area, or the Schweineställe (pigsties), a 300 metre-long and around 60 metre-wide crevasse with a narrow entrance and exit, or the Baroque Weilerbach palace with its beautiful palace garden modelled on the French style. And last but not least, the stone commemorating Diana in Bollendorf, a tribute to the Roman goddess responsible for protecting the forest and bringing hunters luck.


  • Stadt Echternach mit berühmter Abtei und mediterranem Flair
  • Spektakuläre Felsformationen wie Wolfsschlucht, Perekop oder "Schweineställe"
  • alte Mühlsteinbrüche und stimmungsvolles Amphitheater an der Hohllay
  • Barockschloss Weilerbach mit Gartenanlage und ehemaliger Eisenhütte
  • Reizvolles Tal der Sauer
  • Herrlicher Ausblick von der Liborius-Kapelle auf Echternach
  • Einsiedelei in den Felsen
General information


| L-6460 Echternach

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Distance : 20,4 km

Time : 06h00

Difficulty :

in the surroundings

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