Thematic paths Visit Luxembourg
Cultural walk through the oldest city of Luxembourg, Echternach
The 15-stage cultural tour through Echternach includes the Basilica with the documentation centre about the Hopping Procession. The grounds of the former Benedictine abbey with its Orangerie, monastery garden and Rococo Pavilion in the municipal park are also stops on this cultural and historical tour.
Passing the former city wall, the tour leads to the gothic house and the market square with the former palace of justice called Dënzelt. The Peter and Paul Church and the Hihof building mark the end of the tour. Additional stops are the Chapel of Our Lady (no. 14) and the Roman Villa (no.15) near the lake.
Public transport: Use the free public transport and travel climate-friendly by bus and train.
Nearest bus station is: Echternach, Centre Ville (300 m)